My heart is so full as I write this, I might cry. And if I do, it won't be because I'm sad; it will be that I'm a little spiritually overwhelmed by the week I've have studying God's Word. Last Wednesday I committed to getting up around 6 a.m. so that I could have my devotions before the kids woke up. This time has truly been a blessing, and everyday God has given me some sort insight, encouragement, or spiritual "spanking." I'll be sharing some of this in future posts, but I do want to leave you with this word to encourage you. I know it is challenging to be mom, wife, house keeper, career woman, Sunday school teacher, etc. If you are like me, sometimes you feel like you might absolutely lose your mind. You get tired of the little hands (and the big ones) tugging at you. You are tired of laundry, bills, and trying to figure out what to cook for dinner. Even in the midst of feeling tired, overworked, and overwhelmed, we have to remember that we cannot spin all the plates alone. God is waiting for us to sit down with Him so that He can feed us from His Word. He is the only One who has what we need to "keep on keepin' on."
"And He will be the stability of your times,
A wealth of salvation, wisdom and knowledge;
The fear of the LORD is his treasure. "
Isaiah 33:6
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