As I was doing my devotional time this morning, I thought about the way people in the Bible demonstrated worship to God. I read about David dancing before the Lord as he brought the ark of the Covenant to Bethlehem. I read about Paul and Silas praying and singing hymns in prison. Then I started thinking about women like Hannah and her triumphant song of praise when the Lord gave her a son. I thought about the sinful woman who washed Jesus' feet with her hair. Then I came to Mary, the young woman engaged to Joseph the carpenter. The young woman who was surely ridiculed for being pregnant before she was married to Joseph. Luke chapter one records her praise to the Lord, but verse 49 gripped me this morning as a read it.
"for the Mighty One has done great things for me - holy is his name."You see, I am leading praise and worship at a women's retreat this weekend, were we will be learning about several women in the Bible, the challenges in their lives, and how we can learn from them. This exercise this morning is part of my preparation- I gotta get my mind right. When a reflect on my life, I haven't been the most grateful person in the world. Honestly, I tend to show the Lord my gratitude in the midst of what perceive as some superduper fabulous blessing. However, the fact that I'm sitting here typing is one of the great things God has done for me. So many times we take life, our children, and OUR HUSBANDS for granted. As I share music with the ladies this weekend, I want to focus on the great things the God has done, and is doing for me.
I challenge you to take a piece of paper and list all the things God has done for you. It may help your day seem a little brighter, and help you love Him a little more. Because He is mighty, and holy is name!
Stumbled upon your blog tonight and am enjoying it along with a few of those from your list. We are church planters in Atlanta, where my husband (and I) lead worship. I am also attending a women's retreat this weekend, having been coerced into registering...I know I will love it, but just didn't want to leave my babies. I pray all goes well for you and that God uses you in a mighty way this weekend.