Friday, December 18, 2009

Night on the Town

When you spend your days covered in spit up, dirty diapers, laundry, and kids, you look forward to the opportunity to get "spiffy" and have night out on the town. That is exactly what my husband and I did last night! We attended the Holiday Gala sponsored by the 100 Black Men of America, Greater Huntsville Chapter. The organization focuses on giving back to the community by mentoring African American males, as well as funding scholarships and other philanthropic (big word) programs.

We had a great time, and it was nice, at least for a few hours, to just feel like a sexy woman being admired by her husband.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

I'm Smitten!

Sometimes I get bored with cooking the same meals over and over again. I don't think my husband cares as long as it's not carb crazy or burned. However, I want to enjoy the process. I'm not interested in elaborate concoctions ;I just want good food that's easy to prepare. If you feel the same way, I highly recommend checking out Mark Bittman. He isn't a chef; he's a food columnist for the New York Times, and has written a cookbook called How to Cook Everything. I love this guy because he will give a recipe, and then provide you with several variations of the recipe. Fabulous! Now, I must say that I am also a little cheap. I haven't bought the book yet, but he has a website called, a blog called Bitten at , and is often featured on "The Today Show". You can find tons of recipes at those sources. Try a few, and if you feel inspired, buy the book. I'm sure it's a great investment, I'm just too cheap!

Magic Fairy Dust

Here's a little cleaning tip. The next time you come face to face with a hard to clean pot or pan, wet the surface and sprinkle on some baking soda (a little dish detergent won't hurt either). Then scrub away. This trick works wonders. If the pan insists on putting up a fight, pour on some white vinegar. You might feel like a mad scientist at this point, but you will get the job done. Please note, I've tried this on stainless steel and glass cookware, but I don't own any non-stick pans, so I don't know if this will damage teflon coatings. Proceed with caution.

Let's Go...

Wow! I can't believe I'm finally getting started with this project! I have wanted to create a blog for a about a year now, but couldn't quite get my ideas to gel. But, after tons of blood, sweat, and tears, (o.k., maybe not) here I am. Here we are. Let me begin by thanking you for joining me on this journey.

I'm sure your mama told you to never talk to strangers, and traveling with them is definitely out. Since we should always heed mama's advice, allow me to introduce myself. I am a 30 year old wife and mother of two. After a pitiful attempt at working while I was pregnant with my second child, my husband and I decided that it would be best for our family if I stayed home. That was a year ago. And so, here we are.

Why are we here? I am here because I like to call myself a "lifelong learner" and I decided that I want to share some of the things that I've been learning about marriage, children, keeping my home, and a host of other issues. I hope you are here because these are issues that are close to your heart as well.

So, if you are a stay at home mom, a working out of the home mom, or a future wife, join me on my journey. Hopefully your will be encouraged and enlightened. You may even get a laugh or two.