Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Quality Time- Part 2

I just finished a lengthy conversation with my mom about raising kids and being married. The conversation made me think of another reason why we need to nurture our relationships with our spouses. In the grand scheme of the things, you only have a few years before your precious babies will be heading to college or other worldly pursuits. What are you going to do when the "nest" is empty? Will you have devoted so much time to the munchkins and so little time to your Boo that you guys will have nothing to talk about, and nothing in common? My mom said the day I rode into the sunset with my new husband and a U-haul, she and my dad walked back into the house, sat on the couch, and talked (Did I get a few tears?). She said that the thought never occcured to her that she and my dad wouldn't make it after the kids left. The sad part is that this is happening to empty nesters everywhere. Her advice? Invest the time into each other now. Take care of the kids, but let your Boo know that he is a priority.

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